Hi there,

for finalizing a package for bridging ooRexx with OOo (UNO) I was able
to create a package that can be deployed successfully with

       unopkg add --shared ScriptProviderForooRexx.jar

The scripting language is registered and shows up in the Macro menu.

In order to ease installation and maintenance, I added the Class-Path:
entry to the manifest files, denoting the jars needed to run. These
jar-files were copied to "OOoHome/program/classes" (one DLL needed for
Java and ooRexx, as well as supporting ooRexx scripts to "OOoHome/program".

This is the manifest file (and the package registers successfully):

    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    RegistrationClassName: com.sun.star.script.framework.provider.oorexx.S
    Class-Path: bsf-v242-20070128.jar bsf-rexx-engine.jar oorexx-uno.jar
    Created-By: ...
    Built-By: ...
    Name: org/oorexx/uno
    Specification-Title: ooRexx to/from UNO Bridge
    Specification-Version: 0.99
    Specification-Vendor: ...
    Implementation-Title: org.oorexx.uno-via-bsf4rexx
    Implementation-Version: 0.99
    Implementation-Vendor: ...

Maybe it is something simple/stupid I am overseeing.

Other than that I could create a "mega-package" adding the content of
the other jars into this Scripting framework one. Yet another solution
(which I have employed quite successfully) is to install the
infrastructure-jars (which may be usabel in other Java applications) as
a Java extension.

Thankful again for any hints...


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