[Changed the structure of the quoted mail so that my inline answers are in a logical order:]

Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
Hi there,

for finalizing a package for bridging ooRexx with OOo (UNO) I was able
to create a package that can be deployed successfully with

       unopkg add --shared ScriptProviderForooRexx.jar

The scripting language is registered and shows up in the Macro menu.

In order to ease installation and maintenance, I added the Class-Path:
entry to the manifest files, denoting the jars needed to run. These
jar-files were copied to "OOoHome/program/classes" (one DLL needed for
Java and ooRexx, as well as supporting ooRexx scripts to "OOoHome/program".

The Class-Path entry in the manifest of a jar contains URLs for additional jars. If such a URL is relative (e.g., just "bsf-rexx-engine.jar"), then it is interpreted relative to the location of the jar (in the example, bsf-rexx-engine.jar would thus need to be located beside ScriptProviderForooRexx.jar).

Jars that you put into OOo's program/classes directory are not automatically made available to the JVM, so that would not work.

This is the manifest file (and the package registers successfully):

    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    RegistrationClassName: com.sun.star.script.framework.provider.oorexx.S
    Class-Path: bsf-v242-20070128.jar bsf-rexx-engine.jar oorexx-uno.jar
    Created-By: ...
    Built-By: ...
    Name: org/oorexx/uno
    Specification-Title: ooRexx to/from UNO Bridge
    Specification-Version: 0.99
    Specification-Vendor: ...
    Implementation-Title: org.oorexx.uno-via-bsf4rexx
    Implementation-Version: 0.99
    Implementation-Vendor: ...
Maybe it is something simple/stupid I am overseeing.

Other than that I could create a "mega-package" adding the content of
the other jars into this Scripting framework one. Yet another solution
(which I have employed quite successfully) is to install the
infrastructure-jars (which may be usabel in other Java applications) as
a Java extension.

If the three additional jars (bsf-v242-20070128.jar, bsf-rexx-engine.jar, oorexx-uno.jar) are only needed by ScriptProviderForooRexx.jar, create a ScriptProviderForooRexx.oxt extension (see <http://api.openoffice.org/files/documents/22/3887/Extensions.pdf>) instead that contains all four jars (and can also contain additional information like extension identifier, version, update information, see <http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Extensions_packaging>).

That way, your functionality (a script provider for ooRexx) comes as a self-contained entity (that can be deployed in one step via unopkg or OOo's "Tools - Extension Manager..."), without the need to add additional jars to special places (OOo's program/classes, JVM's extension path).

It is on the extension wish list to have dependencies between extensions (so that you could for example have one extension that supplies bsf-v242-20070128.jar, bsf-rexx-engine.jar, oorexx-uno.jar, and another extension that depends on the first one so that it can use those three jars), but that is currently only a wish.

> just a small update to my little (still open!) question: copying the
> jar-files listed on "Class-Path" to the same directory the OOo package
> installer chose to install the jar file containing that Class-Path
> entry will allow to find those jar files.

Yes, see above for why this would work.

> Now, if I knew upfront where the OOo package installer will put the
> jar, I could copy the other jars to that directory. But looking at the
> directory on Windows:
>     D:\Programme\OpenOffice.org
>     2.1\share\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages\24.tmp_
> looks as if that name could not be foreseen ("24.tmp_" looks like an
> arbitrary name).
> Now, how about the relative depth of that directory (on both, Windows
> and Linux), would it be always on that level?
> If so, then I could reformulate the Class-Path-entry to read:
> Class-Path: ../../../../../program/classes/bsf-v242-20070128.jar ../.. > /../../../program/classes/bsf-rexx-engine.jar ../../../../../program/
>      classes/oorexx-uno.jar
> Not looking nice, but serving its purpose (it works). But again: would
> the depth of the cached package directory remain and be the same on
> Linux?

This is extremely fragile. Where exactly (including relative depth of path) extensions are stored is an implementation detail of OOo's extension manager that can easily change.

> Or do you think that packaging everything into one jar-file would be
> best?

Not into one jar, but into one OOo extension, see above.

> Regards,
> ---rony


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