On Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 10:47:15AM -0700, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> Our discourse instance is hosted for us by discourse.
> We shouldn't have to do maint on it, but we will have to do moderation,
> etc. 

So... if maintaining discourse is too much overhead but it's okay to pay 
someone else to handle, why can't that be done for our mailing list 
infrastructure too?  Even if that service offering is proprietary?
(hosted enterprise gitlab, anyone?)

And, for that matter, what of the other services currently 
owned/hosted/maintained under the RH/Fedora roof?  (For example, we're 
going to be having this conversation again in the not-so-distant future 
once RH finishes switching over to Jira and stops funding our Bugzilla 
instance's upkeep..)

 - Solomon
Solomon Peachy                        pizza at shaftnet dot org (email&xmpp)
                                      @pizza:shaftnet dot org   (matrix)
Dowling Park, FL                      speachy (libra.chat)

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