On Wed, Aug 23, 2000 at 11:44:58AM +0700, Oskar Sandberg wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 22, 2000 at 11:18:49PM -0400, Travis Bemann wrote:
> <> 
> > Okay, so I was particulary naive for short moment.  Actually, why
> > don't we try to get as little press as we can while spreading as far
> > as we can underground so that when we really show up on the radar
> > screen things it is too late for those who are against us.
> What rock have you been under? It is a little late this morning. I read a
> long aticle in "The Jakarta Post" a couple of days ago about why we are
> theives who should be thrown in jail - lying low is not an option (faking
> death maybe).

I should have mentioned that it is a little too late to lie low.
Anyways, we shouldn't be worried about the people who want us in jail
in Indonesia.  We should be far more worried about the corporate
lawyers in places like the United States (and Sweden, but there are
far more per unit population here than there) who really want to sue
our collective asses.  In a sort of ironic way, I really hope that AOL
wins the lawsuit between it and MP3Board.com so that we will have a
precedent that is in our favor (what is particulary ironic about this
is that I particularly hate AOL (which is not a friend of free speech
in any way)).

> > > This project has had an absurd amount of press time compared what we have
> > > achieved. It's bad enough that we more or less lost Ian as a developer to
> > > talking to the press 24/7 (and now heading off to California to do God
> > > knows what), let's not make it any worse then it is.
> > 
> > Yeah, the time between releases is quite large (at least 3 months
> > between 0.2 and 0.3), and the amount added/changed between releases is
> > quite low (mainly just adding DH key exchange, encryption, CHKs, SVKs,
> > and KSKs, and redirects (if it gets in on time)).  Maybe we should lie
> > low for a while until we are really ready for primetime (PK
> > encryption, searching, updating, etc.).
> Given the complications involved, the changes between 0.2 and 0.3 are what
> can reasonaly be asked of two developers under the given time (consider we
> also totally rewrote the clients and wrote a simulator from scratch).
> The question is of course why a project with such a high profile and over
> 120 thousand downloads only has two active developers working on the
> server. Obviously I don't know.

Yeah, maybe I should slow down work on fnclient (I've done a total
rewrite recently - which will be released soon) and actually do work
on Freenet itself.  I'll probably put off working on nfreenetd until
Freenet gets more mature and development slows down.

Travis Bemann
Sendmail is still screwed up on my box.
My email address is really bemann at execpc.com.
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