On Saturday, 6. June 2009 00:43:12 Ian Clarke wrote:
> >> Is it free? (I couldn't get that information from my first glance on the
> >> site)
> >
> > No. :|
> Yes it is, its free for open source projects, see
> http://sera.lighthouseapp.com/plans

That's gratis but not libre, so it isn't free. Matthew got that quite right. 

Making a sensitive project dependent on unfree software is just reckless. 

We have no legal leverage which couldn't be taken away in a blink. 

And no matter how nice these people are, do you trust their strengths of 
principles not to stab our back when they get threatened, if their principles 
aren't even strong enough to make their project free software? 

Best wishes, 

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   - singing a part of the history of free software -
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