On Thursday, 13 October 2016 at 19:06:26 UTC, Karabuta wrote:
I assume the purpose for those demonstrations are to win the interest of the user as to how easy and clean D code can be. Then why;

// Round floating point numbers
import std.algorithm, std.conv, std.functional,
    std.math, std.regex, std.stdio;

alias round = pipe!(to!real, std.math.round, to!string);
static reFloatingPoint = ctRegex!`[0-9]+\.[0-9]+`;

void main()
    // Replace anything that looks like a real
    // number with the rounded equivalent.
        .map!(l => l.replaceAll!(c => c.hit.round)

How is a new visitor supposed to know "!" is for templates and not some complicated syntax?

I think the point of the examples is to show D at its most expressive/concise. The thing is that if you presented "Hello, world!" a lot of people who come from other languages would complain about how D doesn't seem to have chaining, mapping, templates etc. and that the examples are too easy, blah blah. We've had loads of discussions about this.

Also, it's good to show people how D code should look like right from the start. Whenever I (have to) learn a new language, I look immediately at the best practices trying to avoid awkward code.

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