2012/9/13 Marc Paré <m...@marcpare.com>

> Hi everyone,
> I was just re-reading the TDF Statutes web page[1] and would like to
> suggest that a small group of us review the EN version (translation) from
> the point of view of syntax, form and readability.
> I have already made a few spelling corrections on the page, but I find
> that it is in need of a review as it does not read well at all. I am taking
> into account that this is a translation from the legal DE version and that
> it is written in "legalese".
> I believe the EN document needs close attention as most visitors to the
> site who are serious in documenting our "Charter and Statutes" are offered
> this document which I find could be improved while still maintaining the
> integrity of the original DE text.
> If we could have 4-5 of us, at least on DE member who is familiar (or who
> want to be familiar with the DE document). We could put the text on a wiki
> page (temporarily) and work with the corrections/improvements from there.
> This should not take long.
> I would also ask if Jean Hollis-Weber could help out with this if she has
> time. The text needs some TLC from the point of view of punctuation,
> syntax, form and all that is of EN grammatical rules.
> This document is especially important to the project. We need to get this
> page right. It defines who we are and how we do it.
> Cheers,
> Marc
> [1] http://www.documentfoundation.org/foundation/statutes/

 Marc, I don't know how exclusive you intend to be with your reference to
«a small group of us», but I'd be happy to help in refining the
English-language text....


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