2012/9/16 Marc Paré <m...@marcpare.com>

> Hi Florian,
> Le 2012-09-16 05:39, Florian Effenberger a écrit :
>  Hi,
>> Marc Paré wrote on 2012-09-16 08:19:
>>> The TDF/LibreOffice global websites use International language as its
>>> international language base. The documents will not be a legal document,
>>> but a translation of a legal document. The TDF is registered in Germany
>>> and the legal documents are in DE.
>> the documents in their current form have been translated by a lawyer
>> together with a native speaker. So, from my POV, we should definitely be
>> very careful in changing words, and involving someone understanding the
>> German legal system can't harm (I can't volunteer, I desperately lack
>> time).
>> Otherwise, I fear, we change the document according to "sounds good",
>> but screw up the meaning :-)
>> Florian
> Yes, the exercise is not to make the document "sound good", but to fix
> grammatical/spelling errors in EN, establish a proper form (i.e. title form
> should be uniform throughout the text) as well as make the document
> sensible. This, all keeping true to the DE document which supersedes it
> legally.
> "The membership in the board of directors ends after term of office and
> the appointment of a successor, by death or by resignation, which is
> permissible at any time." -- this to me, in EN, is nonsensical. the
> sentence needs to be reformulated to correctly represent the DE version.
> There are more instances of incorrect use of punctuation that suggest the
> wrong intent of sentences. There should also be no spellingz errers.
> If the small team looking at the document is still not satisfactory, we
> should wait till we have a member(s) who is/are familiar with the German
> legal system to help.
> A reminder to us that the TDF/LibreOffice make use of international
> English on its site(s).
> Cheers,
> Marc
> --
> Marc Paré
> m...@marcpare.com
> http://www.parEntreprise.com <http://www.parentreprise.com/>
> parEntreprise.com Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF)
> parEntreprise.com Supports 
> http://www.LibreOffice.org<http://www.libreoffice.org/>

Marc, the distinction you make between *producing* a legal document and *
translating* one is essential ; in cases of disagreement between versions,
it would (here) be the original German version which prevails. Our task
would rather be to improve the readability of the English language version,
to the degree that such is required. I find your idea of putting the text
on a wiki excellent....


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