if the cow really has left the silo, maybe call it GD to take some of the
sting out of the word "genius"
but them that may imply, uh... Guru Design? God Design? Gut Design?

But mybe it hasn't. So... well, "auteur design" since one person is judge,
jury, and executioner? or "shoestring design" because you're making do with
what you've got in your head.?

Intuitive design? (ducking)

Experience design? (taken by another meaning)

Expert design? that's a bit less loaded but still fairly accurate.


On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 12:41:35, Jim Leftwich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I highly doubt any designers that work in individual, small expert
> team, rapid style would hold out their approach to the field and
> potential clients or companies as "genius design," or
> "ego-centric."

Maybe "rapid design">

> I'll advocate "Expert-Rapid Design" as it's descriptive of both
> what's necessary to employ such an approach and the time-constraints
> found in many real-world situations that generally lead to its use.
> It's a non-judgemental, psychologically-centric, or "anti-term"
> (coined by advocates of other, implied "better" methodologies), and
> can be legitimately advocated in a variety of real-world situations.

Pick one. Both together sounds too much like "Express Rarebit Design or
"Extra Rabbit Design"

> It would be intersting to give UCD and ERD practitioners the same
> project, (say a medical device) with a small budget and extreme time
> constraints and see the results in the finished product.
Like that insulin pump thing Adaptive Path did? That's a great idea. How can
we set it up?


Christian Crumlish  http://xianlandia.com
Yahoo! pattern detective  http://developer.yahoo.com/ypatterns
IA Institute director of technology  http://iainstitute.org
*Come to IxDA Interaction08 | Savannah*
February 8-10, 2008 in Savannah, GA, USA
Register today: http://interaction08.ixda.org/

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