shlea;545394 Wrote: 
> @ Erland:
> This is a bit off-topic, but I hope you can explain here or send me a
> privat message.
> You're saying that you're "running DSBridge in a Windows virtualbox
> virtual machine". On what kind of platform are you running this virtual
> machine? Is it in a native Windows environment or on a Mac?
I have a Linux server (Ubuntu 8.04) which I've installed the virtualbox
software in. In virtualbox I've created a new virtual machine which I've
installed Windows XP in. So I'm basically running a sub computer on the
computer. In the virtual machine running Windows XP, I've installed

SBS runs on another computer and connects to DSBridge using the

Since virtualbox is available on both Windows, Linux and Mac the same
solution should work on all these platform. The only limitation is that
it requires a little bit more memory since you will need to have enough
memory to run two computers, the real one and the virtual one using


Erland Isaksson
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