A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=96660
Question: Would you buy a new Squeezebox player if it became available?
- Yes , if less than $100 
- Yes, if less than $200 
- Yes, if less than $500 
- Yes, if less than $1000 
- Yes - price is no object; I just want the best sound 
- No - I would NOT buy another Squeezebox player

DaveWr wrote: 
> The facts about HDMI at AES.  Arcam presenter:
> http://www.aes-media.org/sections/uk/Conf2011/Presentation_PDFs/14%20-%20john%20dawson%20-%20Audio%20Transport%20over%20HDMI%20-%20AES%202011.pdf
As I read it, this presentation seems to confirm that audio over HDMI
routinely has very high levels of jitter. The notable exception appears
to be the Arcam device - no surprise there, given this presentation is
from Arcam.

Bottom line as I read things: it is possible to implement an audio
interface over HDMI well, but very few manufacturers do. Therefore
developing a source component with audio out on HDMI is inviting it to
be partnered with devices that are likely to make a hash of things. If
someone were to build a new generation of Squeezebox type players (which
is where this thread started), we'd better pray that HDMI isn't the ONLY
digital output it offers.

cliveb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=348
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=96660

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