radish;289196 Wrote: 
> Why? This thread is mainly full of people saying they don't use it for
> one reason or another. But it does work, we just don't use it. Which
> posts concerned you?

Yeah - sorry - I DID pull out that comment based only on the one poster
earlier in this thread (Brian Ritchie).  I've also read some other
threads about problems syncing.  

I guess for me, this application is kind of like the TV and the house
phone - they just HAVE to work in order to garner the WAF (Wife
Acceptance Factor).  If I will potentially have to restart
SqueezeCenter or play other games to get synching to "just work", it
may be worth it to me to go to something like Sonos (but I'm trying,
REALLY trying, to avoid that).

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