I have a Transporter in the family room, and 6 Squeezeboxes (4 Classics,
2 Receivers), all wireless, on a pretty well optimized network.  Yeah, I
know... but I don't pay retail and, well, someone has to test multiroom
set ups.

My wife syncs 3-4 of these virtually every day, listening to local
files or Pandora.  We also sync them for parties, which is nice because
we eliminate the "blast zone" effect near the main hi-fi.  I should
disclose that as I have gotten older, I'm not so interested in
ear-splitting listening levels any longer so this probably adds to the

I don't listen to gapless music synced--most of my gapless music is
enjoyed via my Sennheisers--but I can understand why the current sync
implementation would bother someone who did want to listen to gapless

-=> Jim


"well, she wasn't all of that, but she sure was some of that."  --
BKlaas' college buddy
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