On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 11:16:09AM -0700, Aaron Wolf wrote:
> On 05/17/2016 10:21 AM, Bryan Richter wrote:
> > Website work is blocked on taking care of the blog, so let's do that.
> > We have to make some decisions, but first we need to agree on what
> > purpose we are trying to achieve.
> > 
> > To frame the "purpose" discussion, I'll pose the first question: Where
> > does the blog live? The decision flowchart starts with:
> > 
> >     1. Blog lives on the main site
> >     2. Blog lives somewhere else
> > 
> > Which shall it be?
> > 
> My values:
> * When Snowdrift.coop makes a careful decision about how to do something
> like blogging, we at least consider how we can make it as easy as
> possible for other projects to follow the same path (that's why having
> it on the site for *any* project was originally proposed, because I hate
> the idea that we do a ton of work and then conclude that any FLO project
> has to reproduce all that same work themselves, I want to lower the
> barriers to FLO project success)
> * I want updates and blog things to be conceptually connected to
> patronage enough that patrons and potential patrons feel well-informed
> about the work their patronage supports
> * I want a good blog for our own purposes for various reasons.
> None of those require the blog being on the main site. If we decided to
> use Ghost (one of the blog options more appealing to me as an end user
> and in particularly liking the project and the project's values), and we
> had a link to our blog on the main site (perhaps even a feed with titles
> in a side-bar on the project, but not strictly necessary), and we made
> it clear to other projects how to easily get set up with Ghost, then it
> could address all my concerns.

I briefly looked at Ghost, and I'd obviously want to use Sandstorm to
host it. But the Sandstorm version is two *very active* years behind
the standalone version! That's a major issue.

But in a lot of other ways, Using Sandstorm + Ghost is very appealing
to me. I would like to look into estimating how much work it would be
to package up a more recent version of Ghost.

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