On 13/04/13 19:13, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
Hi Terry,

Natalie wrote:
Start-Date: 2013-04-10  17:30:53
Upgrade: libgl1-mesa-dri:amd64 (9.0.2-0ubuntu0.1, 9.0.3-0ubuntu0.1),
My guess would be nvidia
It does stick out as a common culprit of all ills, doesn't it.  :-)

Do you have Cheese installed? Does your video camera work in it? If
not, do you see an error message (if you run it from terminal)?
Another more tedious thing to try after that is to use your favourite
package manager to state you want the old versions mentioned in the log
file of each of the batch of packages that fell in one update, e.g.
9.0.2-0ubuntu0.1 of libgl1-mesa-dri above.  AFAICS, that should
effectively be a `rollback' of the transaction that updated that batch
of packages.  Presumably, you wouldn't have to go back further than when
Skype was last working.  I've never tried doing this though.  :-)

Cheers, Ralph.

Hi Terry, After our skype chat this afternoon, (no video!) I discovered the following command for determining the ubuntu version: lsb_release -a. I am on 11.04. Kubuntu

And with our friend google, discovered a forum entry that suggested I try the following string. I had to stop skype first, and dig out the password.

sh -c 'LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so /usr/bin/skype "$@"'

For anybody else, Terry and I are on different versions of Skype. for me. This brought up my mug in the preview window, but I have not tried online with anyone yet. For information I had to reinstall video-for-linux (v4l) the other week in order to get my DVB-T working.

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