On Sunday 14 Apr 2013 16:25:13 Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> http://community.skype.com/t5/Video-on-Windows/New-Skype-version-6-3-video-d
> oes-not-work-anymore-again-with/td-p/1503746 and
> http://community.skype.com/t5/Video-on-Windows/My-webcam-stop-working-after-
> the-latest-update-to-skype/m-p/1508454 suggest you're not alone.  Some of
> them have switched to an older
> version of Skype and things work again.  Many are annoyed.  :-)

Interesting!  That probably explains why it has stopped working in Windows.  
It also implies that they did something to V for Linux at roughly the 
same time.

> I hear WebRTC is making progress in browsers.
> http://blog.chromium.org/2013/02/hello-firefox-this-is-chrome-calling.html

The sooner the better as far as I'm concerned.  I tried switching to Google 
Hangouts, but they are more like Webex than Skype.  They have to be called 
prior to the event and don't behave like a phone call.  I look forward to some 
decent competition to Skype.

                Terry Coles
                64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

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