On Jul 24, 2009, at 9:12 AM, Jay Maynard wrote:

> Agreed. Anyone who joins his system to a network that's not the main  
> D-Star
> network, with the trust server specified as the one run by the K5TIT  
> crew,
> without a very good reason for doing so (such as testing beta  
> software for
> interoperability before unleashing it on the production network), is  
> doing
> his users a massive disservice and harming the ultimate adoption of  
> D-Star.

Have to hand it to you Jay, I think that's the first thing in almost 5  
years that we've been discussing things (or more?) on repeater lists,  
that we both absolutely agree on!  (GRIN!)

Any "newer, better" system that doesn't interoperate FULLY with the  
K5TIT system including routing of calls, is just going to cause  
confusion and problems for end-users.

Nate Duehr, WY0X

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