so let me get this right... you guys use some old ideas... its a success...
i use some old ideas.. its a failure....

anyway Jon, thanks for you help... you email this time round has been much
more constructive... even though i don't agree with it..


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jon Scott Stevens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ecs-user" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 6:24 AM
Subject: Re: objective html

> on 12/18/01 10:46 AM, "robert burrell donkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > in many ways, ecs is a success. ecs is relatively bug-free and is good
> > it's job - creating marked up text in code. it's just that this doesn't
> > seem very exciting any more.
> >
> > - robert
> No. We found better ways to solve the problem.
> When I started out doing java servlets in 1996; Velocity, WebMacro, JSP,
> JHTML, GSP, etc...all these technologies either didn't exist or clearly
> sucked and there was nothing else to use.
> After being forced by a client (Novell) to use htmlKona (a commercial
> version of ECS created by weblogic), I did the typical thing and figured
> that weblogic knew what they were doing and htmlKona must be a good
> idea...little did I know... The sad thing is that companies like
> BEA/weblogic and Sun continue to push their ideas on people who don't have
> clue...not realizing themselves that they don't have a clue either...EJB
> JSP is a perfect example of this...
> Eventually, through much trial and even more error, I figured out that ECS
> was the wrong way to go. It is more expensive and more work to hire java
> engineers to convert HTML mockups into Java (ECS code) than it is to hire
> html designers to do it for you. It is even more of a pain in the ass to
> through the process of revising that code at a later date. This is why ECS
> as a solution is a failure...there are much better ways now to solve the
> problem that didn't exist before. As a project, it was a great
> developed a really cool piece of code and built a cool community and I
> some good friends (Stephan and Robert). I also learned a lot about how to
> write Java code.
> Needless to say, back to the original email...objectivehtml will also be a
> failure. Contrary to what you believe, I DID look at it and I do have an
> understanding of how it works. The failure is not because you don't write
> good code, but because I have already seen people do (and have done
> exactly what you are trying to do and have watched it fail multiple times.
> said this originally, but you didn't get it. I also find it terribly sad
> pretty uncool that you came here looking to advertise your product. That
> like running into a crowded room and yelling out: "Hey, look at me! I'm
> better than all of you!".
> Honestly, there is very little room for innovation in the java webapp
> framework space at this point. We have solved nearly every problem out
> there. Now, it is a matter of polishing those solutions up and packaging
> them for distribution. DVSL will be the next killer thing and is the last
> major piece in the puzzle and then from there, it is just a matter of
> polish.
> My suggestion to you is to learn an existing framework and use and
> contribute to that instead of trying to re-invent something that has been
> invented and failed multiple times now.
> Good luck.
> -jon
> --
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