On Sat, 2016-03-19 at 01:03 +0100, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
> > So yes, I'm interested in the bug because it should be fixed. But
> > basically, you brought it upon yourself by operating in a mode that is
> > *known* to invite such errors, and was abandoned by most other people a
> > *long* time ago.
> (Hm, didn't I just predict exactly this argument above?...)

Yes, and for good reason.

> > And you're pushing that choice into the EDK2 history
> > so that others are exposed to the same class of bugs. :(
> The facility I'm using is a documented feature of git; git will
> transcode MichaƂ's name to UTF-8 for others (or whatever they have in
> logOutputEncoding).

Except when it predictably breaks, as you demonstrated.

As I said, we knew *years* ago that charset labelling doesn't work
reliably, and the only good answer is to be consistent so that it
doesn't matter (which basically means UTF-8. Don't even get me started
on UTF-16.)

And you've intentionally pushed an inconsistent set of character sets
to the EDK2 repository, you've *seen* the git tools fail to deal with
those labels properly, you've *predicted* that you'd be told "that's
what you get for mixing charsets"... and yet you're still absolutely
happy that you're pushing this to the EDK2 repository for everyone to
enjoy the potential bugs?

I'm still not yelling. But I'm not smiling either.

I really do think that if we can have a policy which eschews merge
commits, we should *definitely* have a policy which eschews non-UTF8
objects in the tree.

Isn't that i18n.commitencoding=latin2 config on your part somewhat
gratuitous? The idea is that the tools are converting everything on the
way in and out, and that *only* affects the commit objects that are
actually encoded in the repository, right? So letting that be UTF-8 to
match the default shouldn't even be *visible* to you, should it? Except
that you probably wouldn't have suffered that git-send-email bug you


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