Julian G4ILO wrote:

It's absolute nonsense to describe as "incompetence" the reasons for
the delay. I suppose you would say the same about Microsoft for its
delays in shipping Windows Vista? They were only shipping software, so
no excuses of unavailable parts.

I've kept quiet about this so far. For one thing, as a beta tester I can be accused of being 'biased toward Elecraft'. But some of the statements being made are so far off the mark that I felt the need to comment. Julian is so right.

Have the complainers bought *any* new high-tech stuff, hardware or software, lately?

Have they ever received a product that simply does not -- indeed could not, because of design defects -- work as advertised? I have.

Have they ever received a product, say a new computer, with a certificate that allows them to purchase an operating system at some later date? And is said operating system missing drivers needed to operate said computer? Not to mention the fact that the operating system does not have all of the features promised?

Have they ever had the experience of talking to an outsourced technical support person who has no idea of what they are talking about and whose solutions are designed to get the caller to hang up -- someone else will get him next time?

Do the Japanese radio manufacturers issue weekly bulletins about delivery dates of new products? How long does it take them to fix bugs, like the FT1KMP key clicks?

As a beta tester, whose radio still has all of the pre-production boards and who pasted little paper labels on my pre-production front panel where control functions have changed, I can tell you after using it that I wouldn't trade this radio for *anything* out there (well, I haven't tried the Hilberling PT-8000, about EU 12K for the 100-watt version).

The K3 is not vapor, it's real. The firmware does not pretend to work, it works. It is really, really well thought out. It has depth.

When you get it, it will do what Elecraft has promised, and if you have a problem they will fix it. And as the firmware evolves, it will get better and better, in terms of features and performance.

So who cares if it's a few weeks late? Or months, for that matter?
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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