Marcin Borkowski <> writes:

> Also, Richard's post made me realize why I prefer to stay with LaTeX: I
> know it way better than Elisp (even though I'm making progress), and in
> case of troubles, I can more easily deal with them in LaTeX (though
> vertical positioning of things on the page - especially trying to
> typeset on a grid - still beats me).

Yes, that's a good point: if you already know LaTeX well, but are less
comfortable hacking on Org, that would probably change my advice.

I have accumulated about 600 lines of custom Elisp that is required to
export my thesis from Org to LaTeX and PDF.  (The bulk of this, 471
lines, is a custom export backend derived from the latex backend.  It
deals with exporting certain Org lists as non-standard LaTeX
environments.  Most of the rest deals with exporting my reading list to
.bib and defining various custom link types, etc. to make the Org side
more pleasant.)

By contrast, I have only written about 100 lines in custom LaTeX style
files (so far -- I might need to do more of this when it comes time to
get the final styling right for filing my dissertation).  I also rely on
other packages from CTAN, but I don't have to maintain those myself.

I'm no Elisp wizard, but I am now pretty familiar with Org exporter and
I'm comfortable with Lisp in general.  On the other hand, I tend to shy
away from anything more complicated that \newcommand in the (La)TeX


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