I'm still a few steps away from surface mount yet.
All the gcode I have has probing for variable z height, I'll rip the probing 
out of one and post it.

 On Tue, 7 Jan 2014 01:48:47 -0500
Robert Ellenberg <rwe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 1:33 AM, phill carter 
> <phill.car...@oztime.com.au>wrote:
> > I do a bit of repair work around the home, a few pcb's and lots of
> > learning and trying things out.
> > What got me interested in what you are doing is my original pcb etching
> > was slooowww so I figured your changes would help.
> Sounds like fun! Do you do any surface mount stuff? I bought a set of PCB
> mills / drills recently, though I haven't had much time to make any boards
> yet.
> > It turns out I had my acceleration way too low. The pcb gcode I am using
> > is all very short line-line transitions.
> >
> Would you mind sharing an example of such a program that ran really slow?
> The greater variety of test cases I can find, the easier it will be to
> improve and troubleshoot. For a mill with a low top speed, increasing
> acceleration seems to be a viable solution, but it's probably not ideal
> since it means you're hitting your drive system harder. If you could get
> the same performance with lower acceleration, it could help your machine in
> the long term.
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