
Additional item for the EMC cheap rules!

There is a statistic called "probability of occurrence".
 How do the actual rules relate to small manufacturers who are producing
 1 to maximum 3 equipment's of the same concept in total (for instance
 specific equipment for handicapped) as I do?
 Who will pay the extra expenses imposed by EMC rules for those already
 disfavored people (minimum +800%)?
 Who will pay the incredible extra cost the CE mark requires on
 equipment's who are basically sold on material cost + $US 200.
 Now one small question: if I can't produce this equipment for reasonable
 cost who can do it? Or do whe reject pure and simple this people?
 I agree the equipment should be safe and free from EMI and EMS as mutch
 as possible, but between that and the CE rules I think there is a
 big margin. 
 Only the purshase of the rules cost already a lot! (+updates, +updates,
 +updates, +updates, +++ New rules)

Is the probability of occurrence not an issue for EMC?

For info: By the way, shiep rules is a concatenation of cheap and shuuuut 
(maybe sh.t also), my fault, my error .... ..

Ron Fotino wrote:
> George, David L TR wrote:
> >
> > Maybe you are not sympathetic but you should be.  EMC means eliminate
> > minor companies.  The way the rules are developed in many cases have
> > little to do with the actual importance of the issue.  Comparing
> > regulatory requirements to the rules of physics is like comparing
> > apples to oranges.  If we do not question the need and validity
> > for regulatory requirements we will find it increasingly difficult
> > to deliver products.  There many people out there eager to travel
> > to far away places to develop additional requirements for us.
> > We should ensure the requirements are necessary not just blindly
> > accept everything.  I applaud the people who question and probe
> > the real need for requirements.
> Dave,
> HOORAAY!  I have been singing that song for a long time and have had
> many people attempt to put me off insinuating that I was going to allow
> people to be hurt.  My real story is: Let's never lose sight of WHY
> particular regulations exist and if the reason is revenue generation,
> then call a spade a spade and get rid of the rules when enough revenue
> is generated. If there is a VALID reason for the rules, then OK.
> I don't mean to say all compliance rules are unnecessary, I just mean to
> say that rules don't exist simply for the sake of rules, they must be
> continually questioned!!

For sure I can only applaud your reasonings and support it 100%.
Its required to put pressure on those autocratic, dictatorial,
 monopolistic bureaucrats, somebody wrote to me, and I can only add
 iresponsible to.

Paul Rampelbergh
Wezembeek-Oppem (Belgium)

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