On Sunday, December 25, 2011 04:22:56 PM kqt4a...@gmail.com did opine:

> On Sun, 25 Dec 2011, gene heskett wrote:
> > On Sunday, December 25, 2011 12:08:02 PM kqt4a...@gmail.com did opine:
> >> On Sun, 25 Dec 2011, gene heskett wrote:
> >>> On Sunday, December 25, 2011 10:11:27 AM kqt4a...@gmail.com did 
> >>>> On Sat, 24 Dec 2011, gene heskett wrote:
> >>>>> On Saturday, December 24, 2011 03:43:00 PM kqt4a...@gmail.com did
> >>> 
> >>> opine:
> >>>>>> On Sat, 24 Dec 2011, gene heskett wrote:
> >>>>>>> On Saturday, December 24, 2011 02:26:16 PM kqt4a...@gmail.com
> >>>>>>> did
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> opine:
> >>>>>>>> On Sat, 24 Dec 2011, gene heskett wrote:
> >>>>>>>>> On Saturday, December 24, 2011 01:48:17 PM kqt4a...@gmail.com
> >>>>>>>>> did
> >>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>> opine:
> >>>>>>>>>> Probotix equipment
> >>>>>>>>>> 40VDC 10Amp Linear Power Supply
> >>>>>>>>>> PBX-RF RF Isolated CNC Breakout Board
> >>>>>>>>>> 3 -   Uni-polar Stepper Motor Chopper Drivers
> >>>>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>>>> Specs on this driver board please?
> >>>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>>> http://www.probotix.com/manuals/ProboStepVX.pdf
> >>>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>>>>> 3 -   280 OzIn 8-Wire Stepper Motor
> >>>>>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>>>>> I have run this setup for over a year with no problems, so I
> >>>>>>>>>> thought I would create one I have a used Pacific Scientific
> >>>>>>>>>> Powermax II stepper model P21NRXA-LNF-NS-00 I could not send
> >>>>>>>>>> the datasheet for the motor so I sent the link to it
> >>>>>>>>>> http://www.electromate.com/db_support/downloads/Nema23Powerma
> >>>>>>>>>> xI I. pd f
> >>>>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>>>> This data sheet shows 2 things, one that it does run hot, very
> >>>>>>>>> hot. 130C in a 40C environment.  To me that is too hot, but
> >>>>>>>>> they know their varnish better than I do.  Any other comments
> >>>>>>>>> I'll wait for the driver specs to make.
> >>>>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>>>>> I
> >>>>>>>>>> added a 4th Uni-polar Stepper Motor Chopper Drivers
> >>>>>>>>>> Wired motor and driver and they actually work
> >>>>>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>>>>> Issue 1
> >>>>>>>>>> The motor gets VERY hot
> >>>>>>>>>> I have run the other motors for a couple of hours and they
> >>>>>>>>>> got hot but the SI motor will burn your fingers after about
> >>>>>>>>>> 15 minutes The manual for the Uni-polar Stepper Motor
> >>>>>>>>>> Chopper Drivers says to set the current limiter to .145 *
> >>>>>>>>>> target_current, 2.8 amps = .406 I reduced it to .38 and it
> >>>>>>>>>> still gets too hot
> >>>>>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>>>>> Issue 2
> >>>>>>>>>> The motor is slow
> >>>>>>>>>> The label says max 1500 rpm but I can only get a fraction of
> >>>>>>>>>> that I use EMC 2.4.6
> >>>>>>>>>> The driver is set to 1/8 stepping
> >>>>>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>>>>> [AXIS_3]
> >>>>>>>>>> TYPE = ANGULAR
> >>>>>>>>>> HOME = 0.0
> >>>>>>>>>> MAX_VELOCITY = 360
> >>>>>>>>>> MAX_ACCELERATION = 5000.0
> >>>>>>>>>> STEPGEN_MAXACCEL = 6250.0
> >>>>>>>>>> SCALE = 4.44444444444
> >>>>>>>>>> FERROR = 1
> >>>>>>>>>> MIN_FERROR = .25
> >>>>>>>>>> MIN_LIMIT = -9999.0
> >>>>>>>>>> MAX_LIMIT = 9999.0
> >>>>>>>>>> HOME_OFFSET = 0.0
> >>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>> Off topic, from this I assume its running a rotary table?
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> Probably but now it is just a motor sitting on the bench
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>>> If that table has the usual 72 or 90 gear down, those settings
> >>>>>>> are a bit off.
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> If I do gear this thing down I will fall asleep waiting for it to
> >>>>>> turn
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>>>> From one of my ini files that included a 425oz  motor on a 4"
> >>>>>>>> Grizzly
> >>>>>>> 
> >>>>>>> table, direct drive to the worm:
> >>>>>>> [AXIS_3]
> >>>>>>> TYPE = ANGULAR
> >>>>>>> HOME = 0.0
> >>>>>>> MAX_VELOCITY = 81.8965517241
> >>>>>>> MAX_ACCELERATION = 1200.0
> >>>>>>> STEPGEN_MAXACCEL = 1500.0
> >>>>>>> SCALE = 200.0
> >>>>>>> FERROR = 1
> >>>>>>> MIN_FERROR = .25
> >>>>>>> MIN_LIMIT = -9999.0
> >>>>>>> MAX_LIMIT = 9999.0
> >>>>>>> HOME_OFFSET = 0.0
> >>>>>> 
> >>>>>> Your setting do get me more rpms but g0 a180 results in many
> >>>>>> revolutions In the not too distant future I hope to be driving a
> >>>>>> rotary table with this So how do I adjust these setting for
> >>>>>> whatever my final reduction will be
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> That scale is telling emc how many steps it has to move the motor
> >>>>> to make one units worth of motion.  For a table I think its 1
> >>>>> degree but I can be corrected since it could be a radian too.
> >>>>> What I meant by the geardown, is how many turns of the dial handle
> >>>>> shaft on the table does it take to make one full 360 degree turn,
> >>>>> and depending on the table it could be 90 or 72 full turns of the
> >>>>> worm shaft to make one full turn of the table.
> >>>> 
> >>>> I am still quite confused
> >>>> My ignorance is killing me
> >>>> 
> >>>> [EMCMOT]
> >>>> EMCMOT = motmod
> >>>> COMM_TIMEOUT = 1.0
> >>>> COMM_WAIT = 0.010
> >>>> BASE_PERIOD = 28000
> >>>> SERVO_PERIOD = 1000000
> >>>> 
> >>>> [TRAJ]
> >>>> AXES = 4
> >>>> MAX_ANGULAR_VELOCITY = 8035.71
> >>>> LINEAR_UNITS = inch
> >>>> ANGULAR_UNITS = degree
> >>>> CYCLE_TIME = 0.010
> >>>> DEFAULT_VELOCITY = 0.33
> >>>> 
> >>>> [AXIS_3]
> >>>> HOME = 0.0
> >>>> MAX_VELOCITY = 7633.92857143
> >>> 
> >>> Laying on the table & measuring the shaft rotation, this wouldn't be
> >>> very fast. a fraction over 21 rpm, nominally 3 seconds per rev.  Not
> >>> rps, rpm. But when 'scaled' to drive a table, its way faster than
> >>> any stepper could be driven to at my usual psu voltage of 28 volts.
> >>>  A big Gecko running on 80 volts, maybe.
> >> 
> >> MAX_VELOCITY = 7633.92857143 (degrees per second), right?????
> >> (7633.92857143 / 360) * 60 = 1272.32142857166666666660 rpm
> >> Which is what I see whem I test with stepconf
> >> But locks up in Axis
> > 
> > Locks up the computer, or the motor?
> "Locks up" bad me
> I meant I get "joint 3 following error" and Axis power button shuts off
> I have to press F2 to continue
> After long boring changing ini and restart Axis I get

at risk of being boring, reducing these by a /20 would maybe let you 
increase MAX_VELOCITY a bit more.  At 1200 & 1500 in my settings, I can 
actually hear the motors coming up to speed over about 1/4 of a motor rev, 
and slow at the same rate when stopping.

OTOH, and this is unk to me, you could be pretty close if these values are 
also stated in end effector units per minute.  Perhaps someone familiar 
with the emc innards could clarify that?

If that is the case then I've been barking just to make me look silly.  
Taint the first, likely won't be the last. :)

> SCALE = 4.44444444444
> These are the maximum values that work
> Any higher and I get "joint 3 following error"
> At these setting 'g0 a..' show 115500 in Axis Vel indicator
> I assume this is degrees/minute ~ 320 rpm

And that sounds rather like I would expect but I don't know what your motor 
supply voltage is.  I don't think my 28 volt supply can quite make that.

> Also 'g0 a180' causes the motor to turn 180 degrees so all I have to do
> is multiple SCALE time whatever my final reduction turns out to be

Correct, as far as it goes, I believe the MAX_VELOCITY will also need 
scaled in the opposite direction by the same amount because (IIRC) this is 
also stated in "end effector" units per minute.

IIRC I started with an undamped 252 oz/in motor, so that configs limits are 
set at 81 degrees/min, which since I swapped motors, built a new driver 
setup, and installed the damper can probably be raised considerably.
> I would still be interested if someone could explain, in simple terms
> for me, why stepconf settings do not work
I did the config I've been referencing by ear so to speak as stepconfig 
wasn't yet available when I built this el-cheapo motorized table for mine.  
Its been a while, with the 'while' measured in years.  I need to change the 
.hal file for the new parport card, and see if it still works, its been a 
good 2 years since it was last mounted on my mill.

> Richard

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
My web page: <http://coyoteden.dyndns-free.com:85/gene>
The qotc (quote of the con) was Liz's:
        "My brain is paged out to my liver."

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