On 23.03.12 11:20, Michael Haberler wrote:
[ snipped links to more doco than you could read in one weekend ]

> >> See tests/remap/introspect/oword.py for state access.

Interesting that a 7-week old copy returns e. :-)
(Perhaps it's just a non-zero return value that's expected.)
I'll sneak up on a better understanding of the internals. For now,
just the doco page on predefined parameters has already allowed me to
synchronise my efforts better with the LinuxCNC state of the art. (i.e
refrain from introducing parallel named variables, in duplication of the
new predefined parameters.)

I'll tweak the Subroutine translation once return values come on stream.
(More accurately - when the doco can guide my efforts.)


> > Since the translator could be run as a filter or off-line, tests need to
> > be executed in gcode, so that they're real-time. I don't know of a
> > method to run in-line python in gcode, and have yet to see a need for
> > it, anyway. The predefined named parameters you've shared do it for me,
> The manual shows how to do exactly this here:
> http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/devel/html/remap/structure.html#remap:Python-O-word-procs

That is a powerful feature. It must be hard to remain true to
traditional gcode with that at your fingertips. :-)

> You will find lots of examples for embedded Python usage in the canned
> demos under configs/sim/remap, and regression tests using these
> features, like under tests/remap and tests/interp. 

Oh no, there's
to explore. That's the rest of this evening gone.

Many thanks for the links, most especially the new Gcode Overview.
It'll all help to keep me on the right track.


... with proper design, the features come cheaply. This approach is
arduous, but continues to succeed.                    -Dennis Ritchie

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