On Sun, 18 Mar 2012 20:53:53 -0400, you wrote:

>I am not aware to a method that doesn't at some point make use of the G38.2 
>function, which means there MUST be a probe of the tool.  In my case, doing 
>pcb work using eagle & pcb2gcode, I wrote some routines that assume the 
>probing pin is connected to the pcb itself.  In my case, the use of the 
>routines requires that calls to the probe function be manually edited into 
>the pcb-gcode output to command a move to a location that clears the work 
>space for the tool change, and after each tool change call the subroutine 
>to establish the offset.

Here we go again :) There should be NO reason to have to have some sort
of probe function, with it's additional hardware and code to touch off a

You should be able to move the tool manually during a tool change
operation and zero it. Every CNC controller I've ever seen has that
facility, except LinucCNC.

Feed hold and jog is another. 

I've discussed this with more than a dozen CNC companies who I have
dealings with regularly and not one would entertain any controller that
could not jog during a feed hold or tool change.

Steve Blackmore

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