On 1 February 2016 at 18:02, Dave Cole <linuxcncro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd still like to understand how China goods can be shipping and
> imported into the US for virtually free, but I can't ship the same item
> across the country for anything close to the same cost.
> If anyone knows, please enlighten me.

I have heard that there are reciprocal agreements that mean that
incoming mail into every country is distributed for free by the local

The vast disparity in volumes in the two directions means that China
Post can get stuff to the US / UK / CA border for pennies, and then it
is the job of the local distributors to get them to your house.

Local postage thus ends up having to subsidise the imports.

As i said, I have _heard_ this. I can see that it is probably the
case, it would have made sense for centuries. I don't know it to be a
fact, and would like corroboration.

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