On Wednesday 15 March 2017 22:58:58 Jon Elson wrote:

> On 03/15/2017 11:49 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > There are no pid's used in this configuration Jon. Nor is
> > there a base-thread. Till now I haven't missed them.
> How do you get a following error without PID?  The only way
> I know of is with the software step generator.
> Jon

I have not a clue Jon, but I do.  And there are no PID's in sight.  I had 
the accels setup pretty high, up to 7.0 , but I cut them back to about 
4.5, and while I can hear it winding up and back down now, I've only had 
one joint.0.error since.  You folks and some recommendations for the 
headroom to allow here and there so it scaled well, but I'l lost them in 
megabytes of bookmarks.  A fresh url would be appreciated.

Setting the jog size to maximum of 0.020" a click, I cranked it in about 
2", then backed it out, paying attention to the dro reading and when I 
had the dro back at -0.0000, I looked down and the dial was back on the 
zero mark also.  That was a first, but I wasn't trying to make any lap 
records either. I went thru the file and cleaned out the no longer used 
stuff, then copy/pasted the X stuff to the Z stuff, making all the x to 
z name changes, then ran it from in here and jiggled both axis's with 
the arrows, no miss-queued typo's.

Maybe its ready for the next stage, which is installing a 4plex of IR 
belt detectors so linuxcnc can know what gear the belts are in, and if I 
ask for 1000 spindle rpms, it might suggest a better belt position to 
get the motor back into its prime power band. I already have those 3 
leds setup in the postgui stuffs. However, I'd like to have some sort of 
a tach on the motor itself.  The vfd has an output corresponding to its 
frequency, but there is not a description as to whether its the driving 
frequency, or the actual shaft rpms, so I'd need an a/d of some sort, 
and the 7i90 has no analog inputs. Just gpio to throw away, and while I 
could dedicate say 10 of them to make a 1024 step input, the hal code to 
summate that into a single 10 bit resolution value seems pretty 
daunting, not to mention slow to a stable value. I'd druther make a pwm 
and feed it to just one gpio. Then measure the up & down times, but 
thats also going to be slow because of the present 1 millisecond sample 
periods. Thats not to say the servo-thread couldn't be cranked up, htop 
doesn't seem to think its doing a lot of work now.

Its a 1775 rev 3 ph 1 hp motor, and its inductance means theres not a 
heck of a lot of torque available when its spinning 4 grand.  Coil 
current s/b 3.4 FLA at 1775 and at 4 grand its below an amp/coil even if 
its loaded into heavy phase slippage.  So the real power to do something 
is from about 30 hertz to maybe 100 hertz.  Unless I rig better motor 
cooling for the low end.

While I think about that, I need home switches yet.  And some swarf 
covers for the timing belts, X in particular.

And now its something like Thursday morning as I forgot to send this, 
distracted by honeydo's last night. But she is steadily improving, so 
the day will come when she can take care of the gitme's herself.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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