
If the energy starts out as electricity (hydro, solar, wind, nuclear), the 
efficiency question is very important.

You will lose about half the energy converting electricity to hydrogen, 
compressing the hydrogen for storage, then converting the hydrogen back to 
electricity in the fuel cell.  Contrast this to the losses by staying with 
electricity and storing it in a battery.  Much less.

If you start with fossil fuels, the efficiency is more balanced.  You lose 
quite a bit of the energy in the generation plant, or the hydrogen production 
and fuel cell, but it is about the same in both cases.


On May 21, 2014 10:41:20 AM MDT, Mark Abramowitz via EV <> 
>See below for a brief reply.
>Sent from my iPhone
>On May 21, 2014, at 3:58 AM, Chris Tromley via EV <>
>> Without wanting to get into a detailed FCV discussion here, I'm
>> 1.  Last I heard a practical FCV was not possible until some Brand
>> Stuff was invented, and no one knew if/how/when that would happen.
>What time period was this? If recently, you should consider that the
>source was ill-informed.
>> 2.  Last I heard there was no way to create H2 that was anywhere near
>> efficient as just filling a battery with the same energy.
>Not sure why you want to compare efficiency of filling a battery to
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