On 29 Sep 2015 at 14:46, Ben Goren via EV wrote:

> Musk got it absolutely right. Build a great car that just happens to have an
> electric drivetrain. People will buy it because it's a great car, and the
> premium price for the batteries and what-not doesn't even register for those
> who'd buy it. 

I think this is spot on.  My evidence is anecdotal, but I've seen interest 
in the Model S from people for whom EVs had never previously registered. 

When the S came out, one self-identified "car guy" I worked with switched 
his computer screen saver from some other expensive sports car I didn't 
recognize to the Tesla.  The fact that it was an EV meant nothing to him, he 
just thought it was an exciting, exotic, prestigious car.

This, BTW, is how we got antilock brakes and HID headlamps and, in earlier 
eras, power steering/brakes/windows/locks/etc, aircon, and automatic 
transmissions.  All these expensive changes were applied first to luxury 
cars, and later worked their way down to economy cars.  

Thirty years ago, no low-end car had those features; today few customers 
would buy a car in any price range without them.  It'll be interesting to 
see whether EPTO (electric power train option) works out the same way.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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