The efficiency never drops below that of a resistive heater.

They don't do their magic much below ~10 Fahrenheit, but they will work to below zero. They actually have a resistive heater built into the outside unit to defrost the coils if they build up ice. I have two heat pumps on my house in Colorado and one on the garage. They have always worked, even on the coldest days.

There is heat in air all the way to absolute zero. (-459.67 F)  At this point, it contains no (zero) heat. The air turns completely to a solid below about 63 Kelvin (About -350 F) so you wouldn't care. :-)

Bill D.

On 11/28/2017 9:11 PM, Alan Arrison via EV wrote:
Heat can't magically be obtained from cold air.

As the temperature drops, the pump must do a lot more work for an ever smaller amount of heat.


On 11/28/2017 11:03 PM, Bill Dube via EV wrote:
Thanks for the Wikipedia reference. Here is the link:

Folks are often puzzled by the "up to 4x efficiency" of heat pumps. "How is that even possible?" is the most common question. (And the common sense question as well...) Well, heat pumps do indeed deliver, typically 3x to 4x the heat as a resistive heater given the identical wattage input, occasionally even a bit more. They indeed work, whether you believe in the theory or not.

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