These "impact on the grid" scenarios never come to fruition, simply because
every possible impact has not only been envisioned by the person doing the
warning but also has been anticipated by the engineers who design and build
and operate the grid.  The grid evolves every day.  Just ten years ago they
said the grid could not handle more than 10% solar/wind, but now many
countreis have seen days of 100% renewables on some days and the grid held
up just fine.

The "GRID" is a moving and living thing.  Every new demand is a new
opportunity for someone to innovate, and that innovation is running at a
feverish pitch.

By the time there are enough EV's to have even the slightest impact we will
also see all kinds of grid interaction systems balancing in real time and
paying whatever it takes to meet demand, and those with home or grid
batteries will be happy to sell. and or shift demand, etc.

So don't worry about it!  Get on board....

bob, WB4APR

On Sun, Dec 31, 2017 at 12:52 PM, paul dove via EV <>

> just like water. if consumption  starts to reach production then they
> raise prices during peak and/or make rules to only charge during non-peak
> hours.  this can also be mitigated by having battery backups on houses that
> are charged during off-peak hours.
>       From: Peri Hartman via EV <>
>  To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List <>
> Cc: Peri Hartman <>
>  Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2017 9:28 AM
>  Subject: Re: [EVDL] Good News: EVs Are Not Crashing the Grid
> I think this article raises a good question, though I don't really think
> it answers it. Currently, yes, the grid isn't significantly impacted.
> But what about if we had 100% EVs. What about local and long haul
> trucking? What about other ICE powered equipment, e.g. earth movers,
> etc.? What about generation capacity as well as distribution capacity?
> Personally, our EV boosted our electricity consumption by about 10%. I
> don't know how that number compares in general as, even with our EV, our
> electricity usage is below the national average. Even so, that's only
> accounting for residential EVs. Commercial and industrial electricity
> usage is much higher than residential. Is that enough to coincidentally
> assume a 10% figure for non residential EV charging? If this pans out to
> be reasonably true, it would seem that EVs will not, long term, cause a
> significant drain on our generation capacity, if any at all (considering
> time of use).
> For distribution, yes, we clearly can't have everyone charging their EVs
> at 5:30pm.  But, as we move more and more to renewables, we'll need grid
> storage anyway and, using the "10% rule", EVs won't be a significant
> factor. The significant factor will be how to get Nevada solar to the
> cloudy Pacific NW or to get Texas wind to sticky South Carolina. And how
> to store several days worth to even out nature's effects.
> Does anyone have real numbers of the effects of 100% EVs on generation
> and distribution?
> Peri
> not-crashing-grid
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