Where and who is building them ?

On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 3:30 AM Mark Abramowitz via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

> One other update on subsidies for stations - some new stations are being
> built *without* state funding.
> - Mark
> Sent from my Fuel Cell powered iPhone
> > On Aug 24, 2021, at 11:11 PM, Mark Abramowitz <ma...@enviropolicy.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Let me give you sources for the exact numbers for up to date data,
> rather than rely on my memory.
> >
> > On station cost and the % amount that the subsidy has dropped, you can
> either go to the CEC website, and look at the latest funding awards, or you
> can look at a summary put together by the California Fuel Cell Partnership.
> CaFCP does regular station update webinars, and the latest was several
> weeks ago. You can likely download the slide deck from their website (cited
> by you earlier) for some good summaries, or listen to the webinar for more
> color.
> >
> >
> > - Mark
> >
> > Sent from my Fuel Cell powered iPhone
> >
> >> On Aug 24, 2021, at 11:02 PM, Mark Abramowitz <ma...@enviropolicy.com>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> You are definitely in great shape for at-home charging. Hopefully that
> is usually sufficient for you.
> >>
> >> On the hydrogen side, the $16.50 price was correct in 2019. The price
> is NOT subsidized by California. With the newer stations and greater
> competition they are starting to come down and will come down. But the
> consumer doesn’t pay that, with one exception. They pay nothing for three
> years. The OEMs pick that up, and offer even more perks to the “pioneers”
> (things like free car rentals). Most lease, but if you bought, like I did
> for my first one, it becomes expensive after three years.
> >>
> >> The cost of stations *is* subsidized by California (as is EVSE), but
> the stations are not costing $2 million. I think the earlier ones did, but
> costs are coming down. My guess is the last group of funded stations were
> $1.25M per station with four times the fueling bays, and 5-10 times the
> fuel capacity of the previous ones. That’s an educated guess, but the
> recent numbers are out there.
> >>
> >> The amount of subsidy, in %, has also dropped significantly. I think
> it’s only 40%, but don’t trust my memory.
> >>
> >> Your use of cost of electricity per station (which seems *very* cheap)
> isn’t the right number to use, as most hydrogen is not produced at the
> station. If you are assuming the electricity rates that you may know at
> charging stations (a guess on my part), I think that would be wrong anyway,
> because I think that EVSE get special rates that electrolyzers don’t get.
> >>
> >> - Mark
> >>
> >> Sent from my Fuel Cell powered iPhone
> >>
> >>>> On Aug 24, 2021, at 10:29 PM, Peter VanDerWal via EV <
> ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>>
> >>>> Also, since we are talking about the consumers perspective, I think
> you are making common mistake
> >>>> in equating cost with price.
> >>>>
> >>>> Going back to your comment about cost of charging, that has to be
> based on price, not cost. At a
> >>>> recent presentation by Electrify America, they said that they charge
> 31¢/kWh.
> >>>
> >>> Yes I know price and cost are two different things, however, the
> average consumer considers them to be the same thing.
> >>>
> >>> While there are thousands of free charging stations (especially in
> California), including DC fast charge stations, and while there are several
> EV producers that offer free charging for several years with new EVs, we
> will ignore those.
> >>>
> >>> For the charging stations that require payment, I have seen everywhere
> from ~$0.20 to $0.55 per kwh, $0.31 seems to be an average price.  I
> suspect competition will start driving the price down in some areas.
> >>>
> >>> Of course the majority of EV owners charge at home, where electricity
> is much cheaper.  My solar has already paid for itself twice over, so my
> price/cost is essentially zero.  I haven't paid an electric bill in 11
> years.
> >>>
> >>> According to: https://cafcp.org/content/cost-refill
> >>> The average price of hydrogen in California is $16.51 per kg, which
> can power an FCEV "up to" 75 miles.  This price is heavily subsidized by
> California.  In addition the state pays on average $1.6 million of the $2
> million, for each station.
> >>>
> >>> Using the EPA rated range on my Chevy Bolt (the 'up to' range is much
> higher), and using the $0.31 price per kwh, the price to go 75 miles is ~
> $6.80.
> >>> For the average EV driver in California charging at home, and paying
> the average price for electricity, it would price would be about $4.00.
> >>> Then again, many places in California offer special rates for charging
> EVs where it's even cheaper.
> >>>
> >>> So, the price for charging an EV ranges from infinitely cheaper to,
> perhaps half the cost of Hydrogen.
> >>>
> >>>> And you haven’t said anything about cost of renewables, and isn’t
> that what we want?
> >>>
> >>> Since it requires 3x-4x as much electricity to power the FCEV, which
> means it requires 3x-4x as much renewable infrastructure to fuel a FCEV.
> Pretty sure I have mentioned this several times already.
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>> I recently saw a chart of cost of renewables by geographic region in
> the U.S. that showed the cost
> >>>> of renewables to be available for as low as 2 or 3¢/kWh.
> >>>>
> >>>> Plug Power (disclosure: a client of mine) has said publicly that they
> believe that they can produce
> >>>> hydrogen within a few years that will be competitive with diesel,
> given access to 3¢ solar. They
> >>>> are currently building a number of production plants.
> >>> Most hydrogen fuel stations only pay 5-7¢ per kWh, so that won't make
> a significant drop it the cost.
> >>> The cost of fuel is more than just the price of the electricity, under
> normal circumstances it would include recouping the cost of building the
> station, labor costs, repair costs, etc.
> >>> Currently California is paying 80% of the cost of installing the
> Hydrogen fuel station, with local cities, etc. pay most of the remaining.
> >>> I don't believe those costs are being reflected in the sales price of
> the Hydrogen.  Since it's not sustainable for the state to continue to
> subsidize the fuel stations much longer, I would expect to see and increase
> in the price of Hydrogen.
> >>> At this point most EV charging stations are being paid for by private
> companies that expect to make a profit, which is why it costs so much to
> charge.
> >>>
> >>> The cost of the fuel centers is 10-20 times as much for Hydrogen, and
> additionally they would require 3-4 times as much renewable
> infrastructure.  There is no way Hydrogen will EVER compete with the price
> of selling electricity directly without subsidies.
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> >>
> >>
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