On 10/24/21 4:35 PM, (-Phil-) wrote:
I'd say there's no way Tesla is going to "open up" the supercharging network in the US, even in the next 2 years, let alone the end of this year.   They can (and are being legally required to) in Europe, where they have already switched most of their network to 100% compatible Type 2 CCS.   The US has 100% proprietary, no other EVs are compatible with this.

On Sun, Oct 24, 2021 at 12:44 PM Willie via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org <mailto:ev@lists.evdl.org>> wrote:

    Tesla is supposed to open the SuperCharger network before the end
    of the

This is the basis of my  statement:


There was a flurry of similar reports at that time and I believe Tesla has stated that it is "in the works".  I think some federal funding depends on it happening before the end of the year.  If I'm out of date, please tell me news I've missed.  I have heard nothing of it in the past month or so.

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