On 19 Sep, 07:34, Evgenii Rudnyi <use...@rudnyi.ru> wrote:
> on 18.09.2010 23:35 Brent Meeker said the following:
> > On 9/18/2010 12:19 PM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:
> >> on 18.09.2010 21:09 Brent Meeker said the following:
> >>> On 9/18/2010 9:20 AM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:
> >>>> on 18.09.2010 18:08 1Z said the following:
> >>>> ...
> >>>>>> By the way, about the water. The difference between H, O
> >>>>>> and H2O is in chemical bonds in H2O.
> >>>>> such bonds can be considered basic elements of reality, too
> >>>> I am not sure if I understand your answer. Say we have H2 and
> >>>> O2 at room temperature in some enclosure. Then we put a
> >>>> catalyst there and if the enclosure is strong enough, then we
> >>>> obtain there water, H20. The question is then what happened
> >>>> with bonds in H2 and O2 and where from come new bonds in H20?
> >>>> The bonds in H2, 02 and H20 are completely different from each
> >>>> other.
> >>> Why do you think they are completely different? They are just
> >>> local energy minima in the wave functions of the outer
> >>> electrons.
> >> It could be that the word completely is not quite right. Sure they
> >> are similar in respect that this is an interplay between nuclei and
> >>  electrons. Yet, what I have meant, that their properties are quite
> >>  different. Say the OO bond in O2 and the HH bond in H2 are not the
> >>  same. This also concerns H0 bonds in HOH.
> > But they are "the same" at the level of QED, i.e. they are described
> > by the same theory and in fact exist in a superposition of the states
> > 2H20 <--> 2H2 + O2.
> You forget here about level of designing drugs and new materials. Can a
> physicist specialized in QED do it? I guess no, here one has to hire a
> chemist.

No-one thinks reductionism leads to a collapse of the special sciences

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