On Jul 23, 11:11 am, 1Z <peterdjo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Jul 22, 11:05 pm, Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Are you positing a universal substance of resemblance? How does it
> > work?
> No. I am proposing that things have properties, as an objective
> fact,and that different things can have the same properties,
> also as an objective fact.

I don't think there is a such things as an objective property. If you
are the only thing in the universe, you have no properties. It is only
by relation to other things that properties can arise. I'm a human
sized thing, so walls do not have the property of being a possible
place for me to stand. If I'm a fly or ant sized thing, walls are
great places to park, and my water comes in handy spheres. Is water a
sphere or a formless fluid? Are spheres themselves spheres or are they
flat planes when you are small enough to stand on their surface?

> > If i see two mounds of dirt they might look the same to me, but maybe
> > they host two different ant colonies.
> Then they resemble each other up to a point. That two things
> resemble each other 90% is  still objective.

They don't resemble each other 90% to the ant. Does your home resemble
a stranger's home on the other side of the world? If you woke up
there, would you be able to even get through your day normally?

What if someone buried a 12 pound diamond under one mound and the
other one had an IED set to detonate 12 pounds of C4 on contact? You
can't tell the difference, but a bomb sniffing dog can. It's a
different universe depending on what you are. A cat is a pet to us, a
monster to a mouse. Our hair is a forest to a mite. There's no way for
us to find a universal common nature that makes one thing like
another, even if they seem to be the 'same' thing to us. A does not
equal A, except in our subjective awareness.



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