On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 8:50 AM, Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm saying we can get a better symphony out of a philharmonic
> orchestra than a thousand drummers. Drums make us feel one way, a
> cello feels a different way. Can you play cello with a million tiny
> drums?
The remarkable consequence of the Church-Turing thesis is that a computer
can emulate any definable process, just as headphones can emulate any
possible sound.  A pair of headphones can sound like a jack hammer, a person
signing, or a philharmonic orchestra.  Finding a process that a computer
cannot emulate is like finding a sound that cannot be produced by speakers.
Thus, according to your example, a single silicon CPU and the bits stored in
its memory can perform the same dance as a million tiny atoms.  The atoms,
as represented in the computers memory would possess the same relationships
between them as physical atoms do (assuming the computer is programmed
appropriately).  Proper programming is like having the right audio CD for
the headphones.  To replicate any sound, all you need is the right CD to
play on the headphones, just as with a computer to replicate any process all
you need is the right program.


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