On 27 Feb 2012, at 21:38, meekerdb wrote:

On 2/27/2012 11:56 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

You can make matter behave in any way relatively to virtual reality that you are building, but the 3-creature, relative to you, will be able to deduce from their observation that they are in a simulated reality, by comparing what they can measure with what can relatively emerge from *all* computations.

That sounds good but its implementation is problematic. What can relatively emerge from all computations is not something we can know if your theory if correct.

On the contrary we can know that by interviewing simple machine that we can prove to be correct, like PA.

And if what can emerge is essentially anything (which I think is likely)

The propositional logic of the observable have already been derived. It is not *anything* at all. It is a precise arithmetical orthologic, or minimal quantum logic.

Let me give you an example how to test comp in practice. You can take a quantum-empirical tautology, like a Bell inequality:

A & B => (A & C) V (B & ~C)

which is true in the Boolean algebra, but not necessarily satisfied in "physical" comp, as it is not in the natural quantum ortholattice of quantum propositions.

You need to represent it in modal terms, by using the quantization translation of Goldblatt, this gives:

[]<>A & []<>B => []<>([]<>A & []<>B) V ([]<>B & []<>(~[]<>C)

This should be seen as a formula in the material hypostases, so you need to translate this in G*, this will give a very long formula, because just []<>A becomes []([]A v <>A) & <>([]A v <>A), so we get

[]([]A v <>A) & <>([]A v <>A) & []([]B v <>B) & <>([]B v <>B) => etc (very long due to the double nesting of the quantizations []<>#).

This gives a long formula that you can test in G*, more exactly in G*1 (G + p->[]p, need to makes the machine assuming comp, and restricting herself on the UD accessible states).

The whole formula is already to complex for my 1990 modal theorem prover, unfortunately. My translation above is also not completely correct because the deduction "=>" should be replaced by "->", which itself is rather long to translate. But my point was only illustrative.

If G* does not find a counter-example to the last, corrected, formula, it means that the comp-physics does not violate the simple Bell inequality. If G* finds a counter-example, then you can read it as a description of a possible experience in the comp physics which violates that Bell's inequality. G* is complete, and you can ask it all experiences/counter-examples to that Bell inequality.

In 1990 I predicted that comp (+ classical knowledge theory) would be refuted before 2000. This has not yet happened, though. From a paper of Rawling and Selesnick there are evidences that comp might define a canonical quantum computer in the background physics of all universal machine. That is some comp-physics tautologies seems to be rich enough to implement universal quantum gate.

Anyway, by the UDA reasoning you can know that we should get the whole physics in the corresponding, non necessarily propositional, logics, so it is hard to imagine a more "refutable" theory than comp, once we accept Theaetetus or the classical theory of knowledge (verified notably by the Theaetetus idea when applied on the notion of comp belief).


then no observation can falsify the theory.


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