On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 9:00 AM, Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://pss.sagepub.com/content/22/5/613.abstract
> Abstract
>        The feeling of being in control of one’s own actions is a
> strong subjective experience. However, discoveries in psychology and
> neuroscience challenge the validity of this experience and suggest
> that free will is just an illusion. This raises a question: What would
> happen if people started to disbelieve in free will? Previous research
> has shown that low control beliefs affect performance and motivation.
> Recently, it has been shown that undermining free-will beliefs
> influences social behavior. In the study reported here, we
> investigated whether undermining beliefs in free will affects brain
> correlates of voluntary motor preparation. Our results showed that the
> readiness potential was reduced in individuals induced to disbelieve
> in free will. This effect was evident more than 1 s before
> participants consciously decided to move, a finding that suggests that
> the manipulation influenced intentional actions at preconscious
> stages. Our findings indicate that abstract belief systems might have
> a much more fundamental effect than previously thought.
> Has anyone posted this yet? Hard to explain what brain correlates are
> doing responding to an illusion...

You might be able to show that people who believe in an afterlife are
more relaxed when faced with death. There are recognised neurological
correlates of relaxation. Would it thereby follow that there is in
fact an afterlife?

Stathis Papaioannou

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