On 06.04.2012 19:22 meekerdb said the following:
On 4/6/2012 9:26 AM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:


“The very possibility of applied mathematics is an expression . . . of
the Christian belief that nature is the creation of an omnipotent God.”

Of course the regularity of nature is more consistent with a single god
than with many contending gods, but it is still more consistent with a
deist god who creates the world and then leaves it to itself than a
theist god who answers prayers.


I am reading now Feyerabend's The Tyranny of Science. A couple of related quotes:

“After Newton had found his law of gravitation, he applied it to the moon and to the planets. It seemed that Jupiter and Saturn, when treated in this way, slowly moved away from each other – the planetary system seemed to fall apart.”

”Newton concluded that it was being kept stable by an additional force and he assumed that God from time to time intervened in the course of planets. That agreed with his theological views. God, Newton believed, was not just an abstract principle.”

More to this story


where there are results of my search in Google. The story seems to have a happy end. Yet if Newton were a deist, then we would not have the Newton laws.


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