On Apr 24, 4:22 pm, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

> As I've posted before, when we know how look at a brain and infer what it's 
> thinking and
> we know how to build a brain that behaves as we want,

If w can build a brain that behaves as we want rather than how it
wants, then it isn't a brain.

> in other words when we can do
> consciousness engineering, the "hard problem" will be bypassed as a 
> metaphysical
> non-question, like "Where did the elan vital go?"

The hard problem cannot be bypassed because there is no functional
reason for consciousness to exist. It doesn't matter that every time I
push this button I know that the March Hare materializes in mid-air,
it still doesn't make any sense that he could or would appear.


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