On Sun, May 6, 2012  Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>>I'm not an engineer.
> >> I know, that's part of the problem.
> > I think it's part of the solution. As the saying goes, if all you have
> is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

It's far easier to get a reputation as a good philosopher than a good
engineer because you can't fake it. If a engineer is full of shit there is
no way to hide it, the bridge falls down or the laptop catches on fire or
the power grid dies and plunges the nation into darkness and all the world
knows he's a idiot, but a philosopher can hide his ineptitude by saying
things that can never be proved or disproved in his lifetime or expressing
platitudes in pretentious language that sounds much deeper than they really
are or by expressing his personal preferences as if they were universal
truths and not just a matter of taste.

To keep his job a engineer needs to be right, or at least not dead wrong,
nearly 100% of the time because if he is dead wrong people could quite
literally end up dead, but a philosopher can never be right and still get
tenure. When a engineer makes a blunder it's front page news but when a
philosopher makes a blunder few know or care and he never misses a
paycheck. The engineer has by far the harder job.

  John K Clark

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