Why didn't you just ask me in the first place? It's easy.

"Nothing" (noun) is intrinsically unstable. Think about it. It takes an 
infinity of energy to maintain a perfect Nothing. So Nothing breaks up into its 

There. You can all rest easy now.


-----Original Message-----
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Stephen P. King
Sent: Friday, 18 May 2012 12:05 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Why is there something rather than nothing?

On 5/17/2012 8:42 AM, ronaldheld wrote:
> arXiv:1205.2720 [pdf]
> Title: Why there is something rather than nothing: The finite,
> infinite and eternal
> Authors: Peter Lynds
Hi Ronald,

     Thank you for posting this reference. After reading the paper I 
find that I agree with it 100% but would point out that it assumes some 
concepts that need more careful examination.

     The idea of a "universe" is used as if where an object that has a 
set of properties and relations that is completely independent of the 
observations there of. This is not unusual, it is the common way of 
thinking of things, but is it faithful to how Reality is?
     I would argue that a "universe" is an object that is perceived by 
some observer and that if no observer can be defined that has some 
universe X as its observables, then such a universe X cannot exit. It is 
not possible to have a universe where the observer thereof is somehow 
"outside" of it. All observers will find themselves "in" a universe 
consistent with their continuation as such observers. All other 
alternatives generate logical contradictions.

     I am going way out and claiming that there is no such thing as an 
observer independent universe and that if we wish to consider conceptual 
questions like "why is there something rather than nothing" that we need 
to be mindful of the fact that all of the discussion, including the 
concepts themselves, only exist in the minds of observers.



"Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed."
~ Francis Bacon

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