Finally we have the whole story and truth:

Direct link to PDF in question:

Link to abstract:

Thank God Lewis Carroll, Victor Hugo and Alexander Dumas; such jazz greats
as Louis Armstrong, Cab Calloway, Duke Ellington and Gene Krupa; and the
pattern continues right up to modern-day artists and musicians such as the
Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Eagles, the Doobie Brothers, Bob Marley,
Jefferson Airplane, Willie Nelson, Buddy RIch, Country Joe & the Fish, Joe
Walsh, David Carradine, David Bowie, Iggy Pop, Lola Falana, Hunter S.
Thompson, Peter Tosh, the Grateful Dead, Cypress Hill, Sinead O'Connor,
Black Crowes, etc.

Of course, smoking marijuana only enhances creativity for some and not for
others. But so glad to have proof, that they all had to pay for their sins
in terms of neuropsychological decline.

It makes you dumb. Science has spoken. Dumb, lazy pot smokers
under-performing in IQ-Tests. Nothing beats long-term evidence and a sample
size of 1000.

:) Good science.

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