On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> > God = truth

Certain statements can fool people into thinking they have made a profound
discovery when they have not, they probably work so well because people
often want to be fooled, but all they have obtained from their efforts is a
unnecessary synonym. Redundancy is not the same as profundity

> makes a bridge between two fields,

What two fields?

> > I know many people talking english and using the term God in a non fairy
> tale sense

I have been hearing that claim for months now, but whenever I ask for a
specific example all I get is new age pap like God is one or God is truth.

>  the term "God", and the notion behind has a long tradition of being
> debated. In Occident, we have also good reason to be suspect on the use of
> that term

Absolutely true, so why use a term that has such a astronomical amount of
baggage? I am now going to make a radical statement, If you want to say
that something is true then use the word "true".

> God is the truth that we search, but can't make public.

If they can't make it public why the hell do people talk about God so damn
much in public?

> Read Plato for learning more on this.

I already know far more philosophy than Plato did so I don't think that
would be helpful. Of course today we don't call it philosophy we call it
science; philosophy deals in areas where not only the answers are unknown
but you don't even know if you're asking the right questions. Forget about
the answers, in Plato's day he didn't even know what questions to ask about
the nature of the stars or of matter or of life, but today we do and so
those subjects have moved from philosophy to science.

> Here you confuse physical reality and primitive physical reality.

There is no doubt that somebody around here is confused.

> I have shown you that you were confusing the 1-view and the 3-view, or
> the 3-view on the 1-view

There is no doubt that somebody around here is confused.

  John K Clark

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