Hi John

This crater has been observed, so there are a current observed phenomenon
about this crater: our memory of it.

I observe that others had observed it, and I trust these people. This
indirect account is also an "observation" . I believe because I trust these
people and trust science. But the original observer also believed in
something: that their observations, their instruments gave an adequate
image of  "reality" (that is, those things that other also may perceive).

In contrast this crated did not exist in the XIX century, no more than for
us exist the crater R2D2 that will be discovered in a planet near Alpha
Centaury in the year 2050.

Percical Lowel convinced the world on the existence of Mars channels . At
that time, these channels had an status of existence. But they do not exist
today. Upto this point existence is a matter of belief, trust in ourselves
and in others and trust in a set of principles. it is what Voegelin called
"shared consciousness".

2012/9/24 John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com>

> On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 12:28 PM, Stephen P. King 
> <stephe...@charter.net>wrote:
>>  >> Thus the moon does not exist when you are not looking at it.
>    > I expected better from you! This quip is based on the premise that
>> "you" are the only observer involved. Such nonsense! Considering that there
>> are a HUGE number of observers of the moon
> What about the crater Daedalus on the far side of the moon, nobody is
> observing it at this moment so does it exist right now? At any rate my
> point was that if it's true that "there is no email message outside of
> human interpretation" as Craig Weinberg asserted then it must also be true
> that the moon does not exist when you are not looking at it.
>   John K Clark
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