Hi Everyone:

I would now like to expand the discussion re the two current conclusions in
the slightly edited version of the first post [below] as follows: 

i) Consciousness: The origin and purpose of life herein leads me to believe
that consciousness is distributed across life entities in accordance with
their ability to act in accord with it.  Even single celled entities would
have a non zero degree of it to properly enable life's purpose.

ii) Freewill:  Life's purpose as given herein precludes it.

iii) Species survival: Life on this planet is in the midst of a mass
extinction [not a new idea] that can't be stopped because implementation of
the purpose as given herein is the only priority for life.  We can't exclude
ourselves from the extinction. [There have been a number of mass extinctions
but evolution has sometimes used these to produce new life entities with
greater energy hang-up barrier busting ability than the extinguished ones -
new life entities such as ourselves.     


Edited first post

1) Definition (1):  Energy (E) is the ability to subject a mass to a force.

2) There are several types of energy currently known or proposed:

     a) Mass itself via the conversion: [M <=> E/(c*c)]
     b) Gravitational
     c) Electromagnetic
     d) Nuclear [Strong and Weak forces]
     e) Dark Energy

3) Definition (2): Work (W) is the flow of energy amongst the various types
by means of a change in the spatial configuration, dynamics and/or amount of
mass in a system brought about by an actual application of a force to a

4) The exact original distribution of energy amongst the various types can't
be reestablished and the new configuration can't do as much work as the
prior configuration was capable of doing. [Second Law of Thermodynamics]

5) Time is not a factor: Once a flow of energy is possible it will take
place immediately.

6) Conclusion (1):  Since life is an energy flow conduit, wherever the
possibility of life exists life will appear as rapidly as possible.  This is
the "origin" of life herein.

[If we look at the usual attempts to define "life", we find things such as
grow, procreate,[Thanks John] etc.  These require a flow of energy from an
initial ability to do work to a lower ability to do work and through the
life entity.  Think of the life entity as a pipe or "conduit" for this
7) Some energy flows are prevented by what are known [in my memory] as
"Energy Flow Hang-up Barriers" such as nuclear bonding coefficient issues,
spatial configuration, spin, other spatial dynamics, ignition temperature
requirements, electromagnetic repulsion, etc.  ["Energy Flow Hang-up
Barriers" is not my terminology - I think there was a twenty year or so old
article in Scientific American I am looking for and a quick Internet search
found a discussion of the repulsion hang-up in "Cosmology The Science of the
Universe" by Edward Robert Harrison.

[Therefore "life" herein is just an energy flow conduit drilling holes in
energy flow hang-up barriers as rapidly as possible for the particular
entity to enable even more such energy flow.]

8) Conclusion (2): Once life is present it will immediately punch as many
holes in as many Energy Hang-up Barriers as the details of the particular
life entity involved allows - this is how it realizes its energy flow
conduit character.  This is the "purpose" of life herein.  In other words
life's purpose is to hasten the heat death of its host universe.

9) Now add in evolution which is a random walk with a lower but no upper

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