On 12/12/2012 1:23 PM, Roger Clough wrote:
Hi Stephen P. King
The perceptions or system states are like a stack of cards,
inside each monad, giving the states of all of the other monads
in the universe as would potentially be seen from that monad if it
had eyes and a window, giving the card an infinite set of "reflections".

Dear Roger,

The percept of a monad is singular and an integral whole. It is never separate parts. Its 'orderings" must be considered in those terms.

The monad does not actually change on its own; instead, the
supreme monad just issues it a fresh perception card, which
represents its now-current state. So it changes not in a
physical sense but to a new idea or perception state.

Wrong. There is no monad that can do something that no other can do. Only the Perpect of a monad is different. THis forbids the idea of a "supreme monad". Their relations are rhyzomic, not hierarchical.

Each of these states has been pre-calculated (or pre-composed)
in the pre-established harmony, which is like an orchestra score,
with one part harmoniously played by each monad.
The harmony of the spheres, sotospeak.

But this Harmony is not one that is like an ordered list or recipe. It is like the entrainment of synchronized systems. Thinking of the Harmony as "pre-calculated" is deeply problematic as there is no time in which that calculation could have taken place prior to the 'creation' of monads. In fact, monads are eternal, they are never created or destroyed as they are not 'objects' that could be created or destroyed.

[Roger Clough], [rclo...@verizon.net] <mailto:rclo...@verizon.net]>
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen



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