Hi Bruno Marchal 

Just as in jurisprudence, sometimes there are no easy answers.
I am a Christian, and so oppose euthanasia as
contrary to the Ten Commandments.

But others presumably do not share that belief.
And even I might break the commandment (to my peril)
in exceptional cases.

It is not for me to judge, it wouldn't matter anyway.
That's up to God, IMHO. 

[Roger Clough], [rclo...@verizon.net]
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen

----- Receiving the following content ----- 
From: Bruno Marchal 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2012-12-21, 10:44:44
Subject: Re: The pro-life paradox

On 20 Dec 2012, at 18:41, Roger Clough wrote:

Hi Bruno Marchal 

There is a gray area called "quality of life".

OK. Nice. Should I take this as a statement that there are some cases where you 
would not oppose to euthanasia?

Everything of value, all colors,  are in that gray area, I think.


[Roger Clough], [rclo...@verizon.net]
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen

----- Receiving the following content ----- 
From: Bruno Marchal 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2012-12-20, 05:12:10
Subject: Re: The pro-life paradox

On 19 Dec 2012, at 17:01, Platonist Guitar Cowboy wrote:

On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

On 17 Dec 2012, at 17:49, Roger Clough wrote:

Hi Stephen P. King 

I define good as that which enhances life and evil
as that which diminishes it.

Is pro-life activism enhancing life or diminishing life?

Some pro-life doctor are against euthanasia, even passive euthanasia, with the 
result that they transform dying patient into machines. But most of them are 
naive believer, and as such, they disbelieve comp, and so their pro-life 
activity begins to be contradictory.

The question is:  does an artificial, or even virtual body, enhance life or 
suppress life?


That's tricky. 

The aristotelean pro-life doctor does not believe she/he is turning the dying 
patient into a machine. That Doctor thinks they are saving the universe from 
one of its fundamental properties: death, entropy. I don't know if most of them 
are "naive believer" in the sense that most doctors in this domain are well 
aware that it is a loosing battle, and I guess "outing" yourself as 
"pro-euthanasia" carries some heavy implications in your day to day practice, 
interaction, and judgement from peers, directors, and employers. I guess, most 
would be "cooler" with this if they could. So "naive believer", yeah maybe 
some, but more I'd guess live in fear of getting their voice heard.

To tackle the question straight-on: 

1) depends on manufacturer, market, price and warranty conditions, and the 
local universe. You did remember to submit the appropriate forms before rental 
of "Bruno", didn't you? I say this, because it seems like sometimes you forget 
with this kind of question :)

I am not sure I get the point. Mine was only that the pro-life doctor will 
transform people into machine (as they do already somehow), and that can 
contradict the general anti-mechanist prejudice of many pro-life activists.

2) Heidegger was just joking. Nobody was "thrown"; he just got a bit of nausea 
after signing all the soul-body binding contracts and wants modification of 
warranty terms. I don't know whether his appeal was heard by the courts, any of 

Lol. But still don't see the point. keep in mind that logicians are simple mind 

3) But after flying for platonic infinities through every possible universe as 
a disembodied soul eye with infinite memory at any speed you wished, you would 
go sign up for another round to be entangled with some strange universe 
physically again and push the "format disk" button once again and agree to all 
constraints, just for novelty's sake and say "sh*t, it's boring here... but I 
am no chicken, I choose a local universe where aristoteleans are winning, just 
to make it more interesting, because the platonic localities are too much 
already like here...also, I'll choose one where matter is really convincing and 
makes us unable to define life properly, so that I can pose this question in a 
forum someday, and confuse the others a bit, hehe."

OK. But for once, my question was terrestrial. Of course such question makes 
less global sense in Platonia, but can still make sense locally, even there.




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