On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 12:20 AM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

>  On 4/11/2013 2:44 PM, Terren Suydam wrote:
>  On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 5:22 PM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
>>  On 4/11/2013 7:32 AM, Terren Suydam wrote:
>>  On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 6:08 PM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
>>>  On 4/10/2013 2:08 PM, Terren Suydam wrote:
>>> Hi Telmo,
>>>  Yes, those are good counter examples.
>>>  But I think to say "pain and pleasure are fine-tuned by evolution..."
>>> is a sleight of hand. Pain and pleasure are phenomenological primitives. If
>>> evolution created those primitives, how did it do that? By what mechanism?
>>>  Another way to think of this is to acknowledge that pain signals are
>>> mediated by special nerves in the nervous system. But what makes those
>>> nerves any different from a nerve that carries information about gentle
>>> pressure?  You may be able to point to different neuroreceptors used, but
>>> then that shifts the question to why different neuroreceptors should result
>>> in different characters of experience.
>>>  You have to ground the interpretation in behavior and its relation to
>>> evolutionary advantage. People who put their hand in the fire withdraw it
>>> quickly and exclaim to warn others.  People that don't suffer reproductive
>>> disadvantage.
>>> Brent
>>  Of course, but it still involves a sleight of hand.  Let me offer this
>> example by way of trying to make this clear.
>>  You have creature A which does not suffer pain. Then some mutation
>> occurs and creature B, descended from A, is born with the ability to feel
>> pain when exposed to fire. We agree that creature B is more likely to
>> reproduce than creature A. My question is, what is the nature of the
>> mutation that suddenly ushered in the subjective experience of pain?  What
>> is the mechanism?
>> It needn't be one specific "pain" mechanism.  It could be a part of the
>> brain that interprets a complex of neural signals as pain, it could be
>> release of some hormones, it could be the development of specific pain
>> sensors.  All that is significant is that it elicit the "pain response".
>> Brent
> So you would identify the subjective experience of pain with an objective
> description of some agent's pain response. That's no worse than my original
> idea I suppose, though vulnerable to the same sorts of objections... for
> instance, how would you account for phantom limb pain? headaches? What kind
> of mechanism leads to the pain experience when it is impossible to identify
> a pain response?
> Why is it impossible to identify a pain response?  Don't people with
> phantom limb pain complain and try to alleviate it?
> Brent
>  Yes, of course. In the case of the fire though, the explanatory power
comes from the fact that the "response" is a response to something
objective. For phantom limb pain your explanation is that the pain response
is a response to pain itself -  which is not helpful because it includes
the phenomenon in the explanation of the thing you're trying to explain.


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